Business type: Carers FIRST is an independent, charitable organisation supporting and helping carers in Essex and funded by Essex County Council, trusts and private donations. Registered charity number 1085430 and company no 04144820
Biographical Information: CarersFIRST has been supporting carers since 1991. We provide information, advice, guidance, emotional support, training and activities, giving carers an opportunity to have a break from their caring role and help them to get the support they need. For many, caring is a rewarding and positive experience, but for others, without the right help and support caring can feel overwhelming. For some, caring triggers feelings of loneliness and frustration and many often find their physical and emotional health, work or finances affected. The economic value of the contribution made by carers in the UK is £132billion a year. Carers in Essex contribute £2.8 billion a year – £319,600 every hour (source: Carers UK facts about caring 2015).