Do you remember your first computer? Mine was a second-hand Mitsubishi Apricot intel 486 which ran 25 MHz, 4 MB RAM and 125 MB hard disk, Windows 3.1. It does not sound like much compared to computers nowadays, but it was still infinitely more powerful than the computers that put the man on the moon. Yet I still spent a lot of time modifying it so I could play a better game of Doom. This led to helping family and friends, and before I knew it I was having a cup of tea with my dad, and he was advising me to strongly think about working in IT instead of becoming an accountant!
Computers are essential to businesses these days. It’s the home to email; your powerful communication tool, your calendar/diary, your address book, all your connections, your conversations. And if you do not store this data on your machine, you use it to access your content from the cloud. We do so much with them from invoicing to creating the services that our businesses sell.
So, you can imagine how horrific it is when you’re without a computer. Everything grinds to a halt for two weeks. Can your business still thrive if you were without your computer for 2 weeks? You’re probably thinking you can still get through it just using your phone. This feeling lasts until you actually try to run your business using your phone.
Why two weeks?
Did you know that the average computer repair takes 2-3 weeks to complete? You might be thinking that you’ll just buy another computer, after all they’re cheap enough… And that is great. Until something else happens.
If I could take away your IT problems, would you pick up the phone and find out how? Call me on 0203 865 7174
Businesses experience one cyber security attack a year. More frequently they experience data loss and the loss of intellectual property though theft. Then there’s damage to the machines themselves. One accident with food or drink (the average laptop “drinks” 4 cups of coffee a year) and you’re out of action yet again.
43% of malicious attacks take place in small businesses, and 60% of small businesses fail to survive them.
From software errors to coffee to malicious hacks, you can see how fragile your business is when it comes to IT.
Take a minute to think about how much your business relies on IT. Could you send an invoice to a customer without a computer? Of course, you can, but how long will it take you to do it? Your productivity plummets, and this has a negative impact on your bottom line.
Every IT problem is a drain on your time, resources, and productivity. When you think about it, your entire day can be running around solving IT problems, problems that in many cases could be prevented.
The thing is, IT “issues” can happen at any time, and they do not care that you have a deadline to meet or an important presentation to prepare for.
The first time it happens in your business, your customer will be forgiving. The second time it happens, and they start to think you don’t have systems in place in your business, and they’d be right. Customers tend not to stick around for IT problems to get in the way a third time.
This is where MAPTEC IT comes into your business. You’ll book a call with one of our consultants, and they’ll ask you questions about your business, your systems and how things are set up.
It’s a friendly, and professional call and at the end of it, we will share with you ways you can protect your business and your reputation. Most people find that when they book MAPTEC IT, they feel safe, reassured, and have complete peace of mind that if something goes wrong with their IT, that they do not have to swear at it, they can MAPTEC IT.
It’s not just IT system audits. We help businesses relocating by moving their IT systems for them. Every plug, every cable, every line is moved from your existing location to your new location.
Most people find that when they hand over their IT problems to MAPTEC IT, they can really focus on their business growth instead of fire-fighting problems. 0203 865 7174